Creation and Destruction

Creation cannot exist without destruction and vice versa. Human activity is intentional creation and destruction, with little regard to long term consequences. The existence of the two concepts in the same space is the main theme of this collection.

Click below for an article on the history of how humanity has destroyed the earth, written by Perveen Kaur.


30 x 42cm

A piece depicting the creativity and destructive nature of humanity, existing in the same space.

Cracks of Destruction

30 x 42cm

A piece depicting dark cracks on top of colour creative forms.


30 x 42cm

A piece depicting layers of colourful circular forms mixed with dark, harsh forms. This demonstrates the constant play of the two concepts.

The Path

30 x 42cm

This piece depicts a path with pieces of a broken gem along it. The final gem at the end of the path has large cracks within in and smaller pieces coming off.

Creation. Destruction.

Two pieces in a blended style, depicting the two contrasting sides of this collection. Both measure 35 x 35cm.