Ancient Egypt

This collection is inspired by the history of Ancient Egypt. This thriving long lived civilisation is rich in culture, religion and art, and it remained fairly strong and consistent for 3000 years.

For more information on Ancient Egypt, click the link below for an article written by Perveen Kaur.

The Timeline

40 x 53cm

A geometric piece with sections depicting each major time period of Ancient Egypt.

Tutankhamun’s Tomb

26 x 26cm

A piece inspired by the objects found in Tutankhamun’s tomb when it was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter

The Eye of Ra and Horus

40 x 53cm

A classic image depicted in the chosen colour palette of the collection, of the Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus

Fractal Feathers

26 x 26cm

A piece of fractal feathers, depicted in the chosen colour palette of the collection. It is inspired by the ceremony of The Weighing of the Heart, found in Ancient Egyptian religion